Information Security Architecture Services define the overall strategy to meet your electronic information needs. This stragegy includes systems and network bandwitdh requirements, projected growth of systems and network bandwidth requirements, Quality of Service (QoS) requirements, High-Availability and Fault Tolerance - both network and systems redundancy, internal and external applications requirements, Authentication, Authorization, Access Control, Transactional Integrity, Encryption Requirements, VPN strategy, PKI strategy, Extranet strategy, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery strategies, Incident Response strategy and team development, specific network-based and host-based security technologies and interoperability / integration planning, Infrastructure Security Management, where necessary, Active Security Countermeasures, and Advanced Network Reliability analysis and design.
All planning and design takes place in the context of your specific business model, processes, methods, and budget. Active Risk Management is a primary foundation upon which the strategy is built. Assessment of Risk, identification of assets and exposure, and current threat intelligence are combined with your organization's Risk Tolerance and Budget to produce an Information Strategy that uniquely matches your business, now and in the future.
Architecture Services can be delivered from concept to implementation including project and program management, or subsets of these services can be provided as needed. Critical Information Infrastructures often find an analysis of network reliability enlightening, and product integration services can help eliminate implementation issues. We would be glad to meet with you to discuss your specific needs and identify areas where our services can most effectively assist you in meeting your goals.
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